Whole School News
Consent Form
PSHCE Parents
PSHCE Sixth Form
Our students now have free access to GCSEPod!
GCSEPod provides a revision tool that supports students to prepare for qualification examinations. Students have access to GCSEPod’s library of over 6,500 ‘Pods, which are 3-5 minute videos designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts.
Further information on GCSEPod is in the Curriculum area of our website.
Hinchingbrooke School is one out of only twenty schools across the country who have OCR Ambassador status for our KS5 Literature provision.
Sixth Form News
#fortnightlyfocus #hinchingbrookeschool #wearehbk #hbkproud #apprenticeships https://t.co/3IWspxH2YY
Parent / Carer Survey - prizes available! Please could you complete the below survey to share your views about our school. This survey will close on Friday 21 June 2024. As an added incentive there will be a prize draw to win an Amazon voucher. https://t.co/5TvfE2q3Qw https://t.co/GqkswbCEzq