Support and Inclusion
All Students will need support and help from time to time during their attendance at school. To prioritise and identify where the support is most needed we have drawn a simple model where:
Wave 1 support is for all eg differentiated work and high quality teaching in every classroom
Wave 2 support is for the many eg mentoring programmes for targeted students, intervention groups
Wave 3 is for a few eg physiotherapy, 1 to 1 literacy support, counselling, bespoke individualised learning programme
To look at the Wave 3 support in more detail we have identified three different types of support:
Welfare - Students who need support with personal and emotional concerns that have an impact at school and at home. As such, we would offer the support of a Early Help Assessment (EHA) and look to support from outside school, eg a Family Worker or Young People’s Worker and agencies such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). Some students and families may need an even higher level of support from social care or the young person may be in care.
Mrs Alison Setchfield leads this team and works alongside our School Counsellor, Ms Frances Barrett and a Medical Room Manager. They are housed on the ground floor of Nunnery Court.
Name | Title | Contact | |
Alison Setchfield | Welfare Manager | |
01480 375700 ext 5784 |
Alie Winter | Deputy Welfare Manager | |
01480 375700 ext 5111 |
Frances Barrett | School Counsellor | | 01480 375700 ext 5815 |
Katie Goff | Medical Room Manager |
01480 375700 ext 5794 |
Keron Wells
Home School Liaison Officer | | 01480 375700 ext 5211 |
Gateway School - Students who have medical, emotional and behavioural concerns that result in poor attendance at school and feel that full-time mainstream school is too much for them may require an individual bespoke timetable via the Gateway School. Attendance can be full-time or part-time, with students attending lessons in the Gateway, some in mainstream or a combination of both. For some students the Gateway is only required at social times or before school, break, lunch and/or tutor time. Older students may also combine time at school with external provision at college or work experience. A few students spend all their time at these external provisions and do not attend school but are checked in with each day and visited once a week by the Gateway staff. All students who attend the Gateway either have an EHC Plan, an EHA or a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP).
Name | Title | Contact | |
Bradley Panther | Alternative Provision Manager | |
01480 375700 ext 5603 |
Kenya Robertson | Assistant Alternative Provision Manager | | 01480 375700 ext 5904 |
Debbie Thurston | Inclusion Worker | |
01480 375700 ext 5603 |
Lukia Adamou | Inclusion Worker | |
01480 376700 ext 5603 |
James Knight |
Inclusion Worker | |
01480 375700 ext 5603 |