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Hinchingbrooke School













We have a very full and varied calendar of educational visits across all year groups, ranging from local to national and international destinations. We believe that school trips are an important part of the school experience for students, providing practical experiences and memories that enrich their education.

We are aware of the financial implications some of these trips have and that the opportunity to plan and decide on which trips would benefit your child most would be useful.

To help you in this matter, please find below the list of school trips for the academic year 2024-25. It is important to note that not all these trips are open to everyone within the year group. If trips are over-subscribed, names will be randomly selected and a reserve list will be created in event that students drop out.

I appreciate that some information is not yet confirmed, and you should also be aware that this list is subject to change. Some trips may unfortunately be cancelled, whilst others will be added as new opportunities become available.

If you wish to discuss the information contained within the list, or you are unsure if it relates to your child, then please do not hesitate to contact me on

Mrs H Reed
Educational Visits Co-ordinator and Operations Administrator