Term of Office
Name | Position | Term of Office |
Miss Lucy Inskip | Foundation Governor | 07/10/24-06/10/28 |
Mr Andy Hunter | Ex-Officio Governor & Principal | N/A |
Mrs Victoria McGregor | Co-opted Governor | 12/10/21-11/10/25 |
Mrs Lynne Milton | Parent Governor | 28/02/22-27/02/26 |
Mr Gary Moss (Vice Chair) | Co-opted Governor | 28/02/22-27/02/26 |
Mr Stuart Nunn | Staff Governor | 04/03/24-03/03/28 |
Mr Steven Ragdale | Staff Governor | 02/10/23-01/10/27 |
Mr Mike Shaw (Chair) | Parent Governor | 22/10/24-21/10/24 |
Mrs Victoria Stanley | Parent Governor | 15/11/24-14/11/28 |
Mr Alan Winchcombe | Co-opted Governor | 12/10/21-11/10/25 |