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Hinchingbrooke School

Hinchingbrooke Approach to Behaviour (HAB) - A guide for Parents and Carers

The Hinchingbrooke Approach to Behaviour (HAB) is about ensuring that everyone’s behaviour is outstanding, because outstanding behaviour is the best foundation for outstanding learning.

The foundation of our HAB remains rooted in our One School Rule of Respect, underpinned by the leadership qualities of Responsible, Empathetic and Proud. Both of these are discussed regularly with students in their assemblies, tutor times and lessons.

We changed our MIS system from Bromcom to Arbor in September 2022, which allowed all behaviour to be recorded centrally. We also introduced a centralised system of detentions, rather than individual department or year-team detentions. All of these changes were discussed with students to ensure they are clear on how it all works and an explanation of the system is repeated each September as part of our ‘This is Hinchingbrooke’ programme.

We have high expectations of all of our students and spend time discussing the importance of these:

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We no longer use 5s and House Points to reward students and instead streamlined this into one reward system:

Recognition Points can be earned both in and outside lessons. There are a range of rewards available when students reach certain thresholds, and each point also counts towards the student’s House total.

As well as celebrating individual student achievement, there are weekly competitions between the Tutor Groups and their success is celebrated in assembly.

In 2022 following student and staff feedback we introduced further Recognition Points for Excellent homework and for being a Literacy Star.

If students do not meet our expectations, then this will be recorded on Arbor. Our system allows students to make the odd small mistake – after all, nobody is perfect! – however repeated instances of not meeting our expectations will lead to sanctions being put in place.

The member of staff will discuss any behaviour with the student and let them know it has been recorded on Arbor. Their Form Tutor will also have a conversation with them about this behaviour.

Homework Help sessions run every day on the IT corridor from 13:25pm to 13:45pm and students complete the homework that was not handed in earlier in the day. ASDs run from 15.20pm to 15.50pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If students miss this due to being absent, they will be rescheduled in the next available slot. If they miss the ASD for any other reason, they will be given a second chance to attend, and parents/carers will be contacted by the Arbor Administrator about this. If students do not attend the second ASD they will be placed in SLT detention with the Senior Leadership Team, which runs every Friday from 15.20pm to 16.20pm. You will be notified via email if your child has been issued any of these detentions and are asked to make any travel arrangements required to allow your child to attend.

We want the very best for all our students and hope that we can count on your support for helping us to achieve this.

Issue recorded on Arbor

Sanction issued


Lack of equipment

Incorrect uniform

Chewing gum

If 6 instances are recorded within a single half term (any combination) then a 30-minute ASD (after-school detention) will be issued

Inappropriate language

Poor behaviour outside of lessons

Misuse/unsafe use of equipment

Incomplete homework

Misuse of mobile phone

Rudeness/not following instructions

Failure to attend intervention session

Unauthorised lateness

If 3 instances are recorded within a single half term (any combination) then a 30-minute ASD will be issued


Low effort

Disruption to learning

During lessons the teacher will use reminders, followed by a Formal Warning, followed by a Final Warning

These behaviours will be logged if a student reaches the Final Warning Stage and will be followed up as above. If a student continues these behaviours after the Final Warning Stage, they will be removed to the department safe room. If safe room has been logged this will incur a 30-minute ASD. A restorative conversation will happen between the student and the teacher before the next lesson

Sixth Form unauthorised absence

Sixth Form students receiving a single log for unauthorised absence will be issued a 30-minute ASD

No homework

A 20-minute Homework Help session will be issued for the same day (unless no homework is recorded period 5, in which case the student must attend the following lunchtime)

Refusal to go in the department safe room

Student leaves lesson without permission

Student taken to the Green Room and a 60-minute SLT detention issued or escalation to the Blue Room. A restorative conversation needs to happen before the next lesson

Failure to attend ASD

Failure to meet expectations during ASD Truancy

A 60-minute SLT detention will be issued

High-level incident

Student is taken to the Green Room or Pastoral Office. Incident referred to HoY/SLT for follow up and decision on next steps