2024 Post-18 Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form Career Fair

Over 40 different stallholders and 3 afternoon seminars help students start planning their futures.
24 January was the 2024 Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form Career Fair. The fair is targeted at our Year 12 cohort, who will be preparing their UCAS applications and finalising post-18 plans in September 2024. This year we also invited any year 13 students that had indicated that they do not plan to pursue post-18 education or have not yet decided what they are doing after leaving us. We also felt it would be a nice opportunity to open the opportunity to many of our top performing year 11 students, members of our Med Soc and/or Oxbridge groups.
This year we were very honoured to have representation from over 20 post-secondary universities and colleges, including 6 of the aspirational Russell Group universities. We worked very hard to attract exhibitors from many other professional fields, such as construction, accounting, aerospace, energy and the civil services, such as the NHS, MOD and Cambridgeshire Constabulary.
The buzz was palpable as our students wandered through the formal meeting rooms of the historic Hinchingbrooke House. The exhibitors were all very positive about our students too.
" It was a wonderfully organised event, and we were thrilled to engage with so many bright, young minds."
"Students had some great questions, and I really enjoyed my time."
We can't wait for next year!