Year 10 Tutor Changes and Key Dates
This letter outlines new tutor information and also some key dates in the Year 10 calendar.
11 September 2014
Dear Parents/Carers
First and foremost, I hope that you and your family have had a lovely summer. The Year 10 students are returning to an exciting and important period of their education. I believe the year group made a lot of progress last year and the year 10 tutor team are determined to ensure this continues. We welcome a number of new staff to the team who bring with them new skills and enthusiasm to their tutoring role:
Miss Dickenson will be 10M1’s co-tutor with Mrs McCann)
Mr Kilby will be 10M2’s tutor
Ms Patrick will be 10M3’s tutor
Mr Cole will be 10P1’s co-tutor with Mr Woodfine
Mr Hedges will be 10P2’s co-tutor with Mrs Jago
Mrs Maynard will 10V3’s co-tutor with Mr Pinder
Mrs Penning remains with 10V1
Mr Hallam remains with 10V2
Mr Larkin remains with 10C1
Miss Young will tutor 10C2 and is very excited as she tutored them in Year 7.
We are also fortunate to have the Head of Maths, Mr Bennett, joining the team as a support tutor.
The following are a few key dates for Year 10 students this year. The first of which is a very important opportunity to gain an insight into how best to support your child with their KS4 studies. More information about this event can be found in the previous news item.
If you wish to attend please email Mrs Connor, the Middle School Administrator Further information of the remaining events will be released nearer the time.
Thursday 18th September - KS4 Exam Success Evening
Friday 19th December – Year 10 Progress reports issued
Monday 12th January – Meningitis C Vaccinations
Wednesday 25th March – Year 10 Formative reports issued
Monday 11th May – Friday 22nd May – Year 10 Work Experience
Tuesday 2nd June – Year 10 Parents evening
Monday 22nd June – Thursday 2nd July – Year 10 exams
Wednesday 22nd July – Year 10 Achievement reports issued
We are committed to guide the students and help them be the best version of themselves as possible. If you have any questions of queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully
Mr D Milner
Head of Year 10