Week B Commencing 10th December 2018

Message of the Week
Welcome to week 14.
39 students and 4 staff attended the Copperbox Arena in London, on Friday 30 November, to watch the second England Roses vs Ugandan She Cranes Test Match.
For some of the younger players this was their first time watching a live netball game. With great seats, the girls were amazed by the speed and physicality of the game and the fitness required by the players to play at the fast pace on show. At the end of the game final score was an impressive win by the Roses 66-37.
The girls meet Jade Clarke, England Roses most capped player.
This week’s THEME FOR THE WEEK is a reminder of the simple, but important everyday elements of being a high-performing student:
Golden Antler Winners
Every week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy. Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken. It is then displayed around school.
Last week, the Lower School Golden Antlers winner was …
… 7W1. Well done again to the Wylton students who earned the highest number of 5s for the third week in a row.
And winner of the Middle School Golden Antlers was …
… 9P1 – A sustained and impressive lead by these Pepys students who look unstoppable in their quest to hold on to top position.
Previous winners
Students in 7W1 looking for the golden antlers … oh, yes, of course, they’re still with 7W1!
Hot Choc Friday - Celebrating those students who go over and above:
Star students enjoy their hot chocolate and snacks with Mr Cooke and Mr Pape.
Dates for your diary
This week:
Monday, 10th December – Y8 exams begin
Monday, 10th December – Christmas Fayre for students – lunchtime in the PAC
Wednesday, 12th December – Christmas dinner for students in the Foodcourt
Wednesday, 12th December Christmas Concert, PAC, 7pm
This year, we are supporting The Brain Tumour Charity in memory of Amelia Sellens, who sadly died recently.
Tickets are £6/£4 concessions-
There will also be a festive craft fayre in the foyer of the PAC from 6.30pm.
Next week:
Wednesday, 19th December – Y11 Trial Results
Thursday, 20th December – school closed for Christmas
Future events:
Local Engineering Apprenticeship opportunities (https://www.cambridgeprecision.com/)
A local engineering company – Cambridge Precision, St Neots - is currently establishing an Apprenticeship School on their premises. The company is a high end, quality driven organisation and are happy to give our students first preference for apprenticeships in Business Administration, Marketing and HRM. The start date will be June 2019 so will suit students currently in Years 11 and 13.
We are inviting interested students to an open day at Cambridge Precision on a date to be confirmed. Any interested students in year 11 or 13 should contact Mr O’Shaughnessy kos@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk, or Mrs Tanton Smith ats@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk to book a place.
Dates for your diary at the start of 2019
Thursday, 03rd January – spring term resumes for all
Monday, 07th January – Y13 Trial and GCSE MfL mock oral exams begin
Wednesday, 09th January – Y11 Parents Evening
Wednesday, 23rd January – Glastonbrooke Unplugged, 6.30pm, House
Thursday, 24th January – Parent Forum, 7pm, House
Tuesday, 05th February – KS4 Success Evening, 4pm
Tuesday, 05th February – Y7, 9 and 11 Study Skills event
Thursday, 07th February – Y8 Parents Evening
Thursday, 07th February – Intermediate Maths Challenge
Tuesday, 12th February – Addams Family Production
Wednesday, 13th February – Addams Family Production
Thursday, 14th February – Addams Family Production
Saturday, 16th February – Half term break begins
Monday, 25th February – school resumes for all
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Enjoy your preparations for the festive period …
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal