Week A Commencing 3rd December 2018

Message of the Week
Welcome to week 13.
Gill Stevens won the prestigious coach of the year for Cambridgeshire at the Living sports awards, for work with netball at grassroots level, with the County North Satellite Academy, being county coaching secretary and for her work developing players and teams at Hinchingbrooke
Anger Awareness Week:
With just over 3 weeks until the big day and with so much to do before Christmas, the pressure is on. Christmas is a stressful time of the year for many people: did you know that more than half of us will have a family disagreement at Christmas?
The British Association of Anger Management website is full of useful information and advice to help us avoid the stress - and associated anger – of preparing for Christmas: https://www.angermanage.co.uk/keep-calm-this-christmas/
If you subscribe to their free newsletter, there are three useful downloads: Anger Awareness Kit; Keep Calm this Christmas and A2Z of surviving Christmas. https://www.angermanage.co.uk/920ryhorrlra8gbj95x3/
I found ‘Keep Calm this Christmas’ particularly helpful, with advice about preparing for Christmas, surviving the big day and a page dedicated to young people managing their anger.
Students are understandably excited about Christmas – and it’s lovely to share the excitement with them - but sometimes they get so excited that it causes disruption to learning.
So this week’s THEME FOR THE WEEK is to Keep Calm and Stay on Task.
Sports News
In the Lords Taverners U19 County Boccia competition, Hinchingbrooke entered two teams. For Captain Jabe Peake, it was the eighth and final County championship as a Hinchingbrooke school player.
Over the years, Jabe has been part of a County championship winning team six times. This year was no exception.
The Hinchingbrooke team beat all other teams in their competition to retain the County title and qualify for the Regional finals next year.
The second team easily won their league, qualifying for the semi-finals, which they unfortunately lost but finished with a commendable 4th place out of 14 entrants.
The Year 10 first squad have had an exciting November, beating Rugby School 42-18 in the Sisters n Sport National Cup. They will now play in the Regional final in January.
They also played in the Schools’ County finals, hosted by the Perse School in Cambridge. In a round robin competition that saw them play other qualifiers from around the County, they won their first seven games to seal a county final match against the Steven Perse Foundation. Unfortunately, a serious ankle injury to goal attack, Maisie McPherson, interrupted the smooth flow of play seen throughout the day and the team lost the game. This meant that they were runners up, but the good news is that they qualified to represent Cambridgeshire next year in the Regional Finals.
Over three weeks and playing 14 games, the team scored 204 goals - conceding only 8 in the process – making them undefeated in the school’s district over 4 years: a truly remarkable record.
The second team had some mixed results but played well throughout their final fixtures, earning them a well-deserved 4th place spot. Congratulations to all players for their tremendous commitment to training and whole squad team spirit.
Golden Antler Winners
Every week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy. Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken. It is then displayed around school.
Last week, the Lower School Golden Antlers winner was …
… 7W1. Well done to the Wylton students who earned the highest number of 5s
And winner of the Middle School Golden Antlers was …
… 9P1 - Very well done to the Pepys students who are surging ahead in the Middle School table of the highest number of 5s.
Previous winners
Last week’s Middle School triple winners: 9C2, 9P1 and 9W1
Last week’s Lower School Winners:
Hot Choc Friday - Celebrating those students who go over and above.
There were three Hot Choc celebrations last week: the regular Friday get together and two extra celebrations on Thursday.
First to celebrate were the CTEC Business team, who, under the guidance of Mr O’Shaughnessy, recently organised a fantastic Careers conference for year 11, bringing in over 30 companies to talk to about employment opportunities. The team can be see below enjoying a Hot Choc:
The second Thursday Hot Choc was for the Debating Team, who have been so amazing in their competitions that a national company (Noisy Classroom) has filmed them to encourage and advise other students about how to be successful in debates:
And a special Hot Choc Friday for two siblings who are always polite and cheerful and have shown remarkable resilience this term:
Dates for your diary
This week:
Wednesday, 5th December – Sixth Form Music trip to Kings College Carol Service
Thursday, 6th December – Sixth Form History trip to Hampton Court
Next week:
Monday, 10th December – Y8 exams begin
Monday, 10th December – Christmas Fayre for students – lunchtime in the PAC
Wednesday, 12th December –Christmas Concert, PAC, 7pm
This year, we are supporting The Brain Tumour Charity in memory of Amelia Sellens, who sadly died recently.
Tickets are £6/£4 concessions
There will also be a festive craft fayre in the foyer of the PAC from 18:30.
Future events:
Local Engineering Apprenticeship opportunities (https://www.cambridgeprecision.com/)
A local engineering company – Cambridge Precision, St Neots - is currently establishing an Apprenticeship School on their premises. The company is a high end, quality driven organisation and are happy to give our students first preference for apprenticeships in Business Administration, Marketing and HRM. The start date will be June 2019 so will suit students currently in Years 11 and 13.
We are inviting interested students to an open day at Cambridge Precision on a date to be confirmed. Any interested students in year 11 or 13 should contact Mr O’Shaughnessy kos@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk, or Mrs Tanton Smith ats@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk to book a place.
Wednesday, 19th December – Y11 Trial Results
Thursday, 20th December – school closed for Christmas
Thursday, 03rd January – spring term resumes for all
Monday, 07th January – Y13 Trial and GCSE MfL mock oral exams begin
Wednesday, 09th January – Y11 Parents Evening
Wednesday, 23rd January – Glastonbrooke Unplugged, 6.30pm, House
Thursday, 24th January – Parent Forum, 7pm, House
Tuesday, 05th February – KS4 Success Evening, 4pm
Tuesday, 05th February – Y7, 9 and 11 Study Skills event
Thursday, 07th February – Y8 Parents Evening
Thursday, 07th February – Intermediate Maths Challenge
Tuesday, 12th February – Addams Family Production
Wednesday, 13th February – Addams Family Production
Thursday, 14th February – Addams Family Production
Saturday, 16th February – Half term break begins
Monday, 25th February – school resumes for all
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a stress free week!
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal