Week A Commencing Monday 11th June 2018

Message of the Week
Welcome to week 8 of the summer term.
It’s pretty quiet with Year 10 out on Work Experience and Year 11 on Study Leave. But we have some excellent events – not least the Art Exhibition, which is amazing and well worth a visit, and HBK’s Got Talent – both on Thursday.
Our theme this week is the benefit of exercise – not just for physical health, but academically, the benefits of exercise are well-documented and shown in the poster below:
Golden Antler Winners
Every week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy. Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken. It is then displayed around school.
Last week, the Lower School Golden Antlers winner was …
… 8P1, well done for getting more 5s than 7P1 but still keeping the win for Pepys, who have a clear lead in the Antler’s League table. And speaking of leagues, the class photograph is highly topical with the World Cup starting on Thursday:
And winner of the Middle School Golden Antlers was …
…9V1. Well done to both groups!
Dates for your diary
This week
GCSE and A level exams. For exam timetables, go to: https://www.hinchingbrookeschool.net/page/?title=Exam+Timetables+2017%2F2018&pid=207
Year 10 Work Experience (week 2)
Monday, 11th June – Interhouse Art competition starts (closing date Monday, 2nd July)
Thursday, June 14th – HBK’s Got Talent, Lunchtime, PAC
Thursday, June 14th – Art Exhibition open to the public, from 4pm to 7.30pm
June 21st – Year 11 Final Assembly
Art Exhibition – A level and GCSE
Definitely worth seeing, with 72 GCSE students and 30 A level students exhibiting their work, from textiles and paintings to mixed media installations and sound art. The exhibition is open to the general public this Thursday, June 14th, from 4pm to 7.30pm.
The Inter House Reading Challenge – Book Bingo
Students win individual prizes for reading – in the spirit of bingo, a line and full house are awarded prizes. Students who would like to take part should visit the library to sign up. For each book read, a scoop of sand will be added to the jar for the student’s House and the winning House will be awarded house points.
Nominations for Sports Awards 2018
Nominations are now open for this year’s 2018 sports awards. Nominations are accepted from family, friends, staff and coaches. All nominations will be considered by merit, and an invitation will be sent out to the successful nominees, inviting them and their parents/carers to the Sports Awards Ceremony on Wednesday July 4th.
The 'Sports Awards' are for years 7 8 9 and 10 only, however the 'Ally Brennen Award' for leadership is open to year 11 students too. The categories will be explained to the students in their assemblies this week.
The 10 categories are:
§ Most Committed Participant…demonstrates consistent engagement in PE, Inter-house, extra-curricular activity in order to improve
§ Young Official/Leader...officiating, coaching/leading in School sport events
§ Contribution to PE & School Sport…exemplifying the values of sport, acting as a role model for their House and peers
§ School Team of the Year
§ School Coach of the Year
§ Rising Star…demonstrating the physical/psychological capacity to become an exceptional performer
§ Sports Personality…shows the ability/motivation/character to positively influence others in and through sport
§ The Ally Brennan Trust Award…Sports Leader of the Year
§ Victrix Ludorum…presented to the female athlete/ competitor who has won or accumulated most points through events
§ Victor Ludorum… presented to the male athlete/competitor who has won or accumulated most points through events
If you would like to nominate a student or team for any of the categories, please complete the nomination form at the link below:
Remember that you are able to nominate a family member.
Nominations can be posted in the Sports Awards box in Main Reception, or sent, via email, to Miss Brasher JFB@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk no later than Monday 4th June 2018.
Next week:
Monday, 18th June - Year 12 start exam leave for 2 weeks
Thursday, 21st June – Year 11 Final Assembly 11am, PAC
Future events
Tuesday, 26th June – Year 9 Parents Evening
Wednesday, 27th June – Year 13 Presentation Evening
Thursday, 28th June - Sports Day (weather permitting)
Friday, 29th June – Staff Training Day
Friday, 22nd June – Year 11 Formal
Monday 2nd July - Year 12 Work Experience week
Wednesday 4th July 2018 – Sports Awards Ceremony
Friday, 6th July – Sixth form Ball
Monday, 9th July – Year 12 back in lessons
Thursday, 12th July – Picnic at the House
Tuesday, 24th July – end of summer term
Thursday, 16th August – GCE results day
Thursday, 23rd August – GCSE results day
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a great week
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal