Week A Commencing 26th March 2018

Message of the Week
This week, our theme is stay safe and have a good break.
The Easter break is a time to recharge our batteries and start enjoying the warmer weather. For teachers and students alike, it can also be a very busy time with preparation for the final weeks before GCSE and A level exams.
To encourage students to step up their revision, Doddle are running a nationwide KS4 student leader board with the opportunity to win an Amazon Fire 7 Tablet.
The Easter Challenge Leader Board runs for 2 weeks of the Easter Holiday. To win pupils need to complete as many resources as possible. These can be resources set by teachers or resources that are on Doddle that students complete independently. The top 3 students nationwide will receive an Amazon Fire 7 Tablet, with runner up prizes for students in the top 10.
Sadly, we say goodbye to Tom Grey, Assistant Principal.
Tom has been an outstanding leader over the last three years, bringing his organisational skills, preparation and high quality contributions to Academic Review Days, with Heads of Year and Student Support Officers. He moves to take up the Deputy Head Post at King Edward VI School in Bury St Edmunds, where our former colleague, Lee Walker, is now Head Teacher. We wish Tom the very best and thank him for all he has brought to Hinchingbrooke. He will be missed.
But the good news is that Chris Pape has been appointed as Mr Grey’s replacement. Mr Pape is currently Head of Year 11 and extremely busy supporting, encouraging - and at times herding - year 11 towards their GCSEs. We’re excited to welcome Mr Pape to the Senior Leadership Team and wish him luck in his new role.
Last week, in the year 8 district netball finals, Hinchingbrooke entered two teams. The A team finished runners up, losing only one game out of nine and have now qualified for the U14 County Netball finals in November. The B team had our best ever B team result, finishing 4th out of 10. A great run up to our Easter netball tour to Disneyland Paris for our year 8 players.
On Thursday, Gill Stevens took a netball team to play at the Spring School Games finals. Hinchingbrooke finished in second place and were awarded the silver medal. Six Netball Academy leaders from Hinchingbrooke umpired and coached throughout the whole tournament earning them praise from the organisers and other staff members.
Hinchingbrooke Sports Council hosted the Level 3 Rowing championships last week. Harry Hurst was the leadership team manager and ran a successful championship like clockwork.
The year 10 team, led by GB prospect Poppy Shipley, finished second - by 50 metres.
There was further success with our year 7 boys in the Sport Table Tennis competition. Josh Tomlinson led the team to victory, beating Peterborough, Cambridge and the Fenland schools and bringing home the Champions trophy.
Dates for your diary
This week
-Wednesday 28 March – Easter Concert, PAC – 7.00pm – tickets £6/£4, available online:
Thursday 29 March – last day of the spring term
Year 10 exams – see timetable below
Looking ahead
8 April – We’re delighted to host Cathryn Cockrill, an ex-student, who will be in Hinchingbrooke House from 2pm-5pm. reading extracts and signing copies of her new book, Case Files of the Supernatural.
11 April - Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company. In local cinemas – a break from books and a great way to revise for years 10 and 11 during the Easter holidays - the Royal Shakespeare Company is broadcasting a live performance of ‘the Scottish play’. Starring Christopher Eccleston and Niamh Cussack, this is a fantastic revision opportunity for KS4 students who will be sitting their Literature GCSE exam shortly afterwards.
Monday 16 April – Training Day (an exciting new venture with our partner school, St Ivo)
Tuesday 17 April summer term begins.
We’re tremendously proud that Robert Burton, who left us last year to take up a place at the highly prestigious Royal Academy of Music, has reached the finals of the Young Musician of the Year. Robert is a saxophonist, but his talents don’t end there. According to Mrs Cooke, Music teacher, “Robert is the most amazing student I’ve ever taught”. He was awarded Grade 8 Distinction for the saxophone, the clarinet, the piano and the recorder – an outstanding achievement! Another Hinchingbrooke student, Zoe Perkins, was in the final two years ago (the competition takes place every two years). The fact that both incredibly talented musicians stayed at Hinchingbrooke to study is testament to our amazing Music department. We look forward to seeing Robert play at the finals in June.
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a great week and enjoy the Easter break
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal