Week B - Commencing 19th March

Message of the week
After the Artic weekend, it’s great to see the sun this morning but is it officially spring yet?
According to meteorologists, spring began on March 1st. Hard to believe that this weekend! Maybe we should listen to the astronomers, who say that spring begins tomorrow, March 20th with the spring equinox, when the number of daylight hours is the same as the hours of darkness. Either way, spring should be here by tomorrow – fingers crossed.
There were some great events last week, including Independance performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening and a music concert at Buckden Church on Saturday.
If you have ever seen or heard our students perform, you will have been blown away by their talent and enthusiasm on stage. Mr Goulding, our Principal, was at Buckden Parish church, and said that the performers, sixth form and younger students, were exceptionally talented. The concert was also a rehearsal for the sixth form students who will be taking their A level music recitals on Wednesday this week.
On Friday last, we were visited by the world renowned artist and Vice Chancellor of the University for the Creative Arts, Professor Bashir Makhoul. He came along with another senior member from the University to look at a potential partnership with us and ACES Academy Trust. Professor Makhoul was extremely impressed when he visited our Art department and hugely impressed with the quality of students’ work. We are hopeful that some sort of beneficial partnership with the University of Creative Arts will follow.
Our second Academic Review Day on Friday was another success with students even more confidently than last time, showing their independence by explaining their successes, their targets and planned actions. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be ensuring that all students have their targets in their planners, to keep them focused and to help them to make even more progress. We are grateful to all parents for their continued support to help our students reach their full potential.
And speaking of students reaching their potential, well done to Frankie Butler, Y12, winner of a place at the Cambridge University of Art summer school.
This week, our theme is RESILIENCE. With the sad death of Stephen Hawkins last week, it’s a good time to reflect on the importance of making the most of our talents and never giving up on our dreams. This is particularly significant for year 11 students with just a few weeks to go before the GCSE exams start. Keep focused, attend every lesson and as many Revision sessions as possible and use the Easter break to really consolidate the learning of the last three years.
Golden Antler Winners
Every week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy. Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken. It is then displayed around school.
Last week, the Lower School Golden Antler winner was …
… 7P1! After a week off the top spot, Mr Turnbull’s group reclaimed the title once again.
And 7V2, who won the title last week, now have a photograph, top right.
The winner of the Middle School Golden Antlers was …
… 9M2, for the second week running. Hopefully, we’ll have a photograph very soon.
Well done to all three groups for excellent attitudes to learning.
Dates for your diary
This week
Tuesday 20 March - A number of Year 11 and Year 12 students will be attending an Oxbridge session, designed to motivate and inspire them to apply to one of the best universities in the country.
Wednesday 21 March - a busy day for our talented sportspeople and musicians: Year 7 girls will be taking part in the district hockey finals; Year 8 in the district netball finals; Year 10 girls are taking part in the County Cricket finals; and three of our students will be taking part in the Modern Foreign Languages Spelling B regional final at Comberton. Congratulations to them all and good luck for the finals!
Wednesday 21 March – A Level Recital Evening in the PAC – 6.45pm start – free entry.
Thursday 22 March - a large number of students will be involved in the Sainsbury’s School Games Finals. These will take place in school and at the Ivo Indoor and Outdoor Centres. The very best of luck to all.
Year 10 exams – see timetable below
Looking ahead
Saturday March 24th - Careers with animals day – Godmanchester
Wednesday 28 March – Easter Concert, PAC – 7.00pm – tickets £6/£4, available online:
Thursday 29 March – last day of the spring term
11 April - Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company. In local cinemas – a break from books and a great way to revise for years 10 and 11 during the Easter holidays - the Royal Shakespeare Company is broadcasting a live performance of ‘the Scottish play’. Starring Christopher Eccleston and Niamh Cussack, this is a fantastic revision opportunity for KS4 students who will be sitting their Literature GCSE exam shortly afterwards.
Monday 16 April – Training Day (an exciting new venture with our partner school, St Ivo)
Tuesday 17 April summer term begins.
We’re tremendously proud that Robert Burton, who left us last year to take up a place at the highly prestigious Royal Academy of Music, has reached the finals of the Young Musician of the Year. Robert is a saxophonist, but his talents don’t end there. According to Mrs Cooke, Music teacher, “Robert is the most amazing student I’ve ever taught”. He was awarded Grade 8 Distinction for the saxophone, the clarinet, the piano and the recorder – an outstanding achievement! Another Hinchingbrooke student, Zoe Perkins, was in the final two years ago (the competition takes place every two years). The fact that both incredibly talented musicians stayed at Hinchingbrooke to study is testament to our amazing Music department. We look forward to seeing Robert play at the finals in June.
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a great week and enjoy the warmer weather – spring really must be here now J.
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal