Week A - Beginning 26th February 2018

Weekly Update
Year 8 Options deadline
This Wednesday, February 28th, is the final date that options choices can be accepted, so if you have a son or daughter in year 8 who hasn’t yet handed in their options form, please make sure that it reaches the tutor no later than Wednesday.
Year 10 and 11 jabs
Wednesday 28th February, 1 to 1.15pm, the school nursing service is running a mop-up session for any year 10 or 11 students who may have missed one or both of their jabs.
Trial exams – year 11
Next week, beginning March 5th, students will be taking a second set of trial exams in English, Maths and Science to see how much they have improved. Revision should be little and often – and definitely not last minute. We have independent learning lessons (where students focus on an area they feel least confident about) Burst lessons (returning for one lesson to a topic studied previously) and a number of after school revision classes.
School trips
Over half term, students had the opportunity to broaden their horizons with a ski trip and a visit to Russia.
38 Year 13 students who travelled to Russia were both ‘enchanted and thrilled’ (George Rendall, Year 13 History student). They visited Moscow and St Petersburg, braving the Russian snow, famed for defeating Hitler’s army and turning the tides of war in favour of the Allies. So they’ll probably be better prepared for the weather forecast here this week … (Please see below for important information about school closure in the event of dangerous weather conditions.)
Folgaria ski trip
55 Students from Hinchingbrooke went on the ski trip this year. Doorstep 'millionaires' skiing at its best. Snow conditions were perfect, with clear blue skies throughout the week, and beautifully groomed ski runs. The five groups of skiers made amazing progress with our Italian instructors, particularly the two beginners groups who had never skied before. They ventured up the mountain away from the beginners slopes on their second day, showing amazing resilience and determination.
Après ski was brilliant with pizza, bowling and 'the sport shall challenge' organised by Miss Walder and Mr Boyle, with all students form year 8 to 13 interacting, engaged and supporting each other, throughout the whole trip. (Mr Turnbull)
Theme for the Week
We are proud of our attendance figures at Hinchingbrooke – and in the spirit of inspiring excellence, we aim to make 2017-18 even better than last year. Missing lessons can cause a student to fall behind; especially for year 11 at this time of year, with so many revision lessons and after school sessions, it is really important that students don’t miss a single day.
Golden Antler Winners
Every week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy. Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken. It is then displayed around school.
Last week, the Lower School Golden Antler winner was …
… 9P1. Yet another creative and unique photograph by Mr Turnbull!
And the Middle School’s Golden Antler winner was …
… 9P2. No photograph yet, but well done to both groups and to Pepys!
We always endeavour to keep the school open, but sometimes it is impossible for staff and students to travel. In the event of the forecast snow causing the school to be closed, there will be a message on the School website.
World Book Day, Thursday, 1st March. In Tutor time and English lessons, there will be a literary quiz and a focus on a love of books – old and new.
Cambridgeshire Area Young Artists Competition: Cottenham Village College
70 different schools and colleges are taking part, featuring students from pre-school to A level.
The students from Hinchingbrooke who are submitting two pieces of art each are: KS3 Yasmin Stewart and Millie Fish |
KS4 Chiara Gensale and John Vincent Cailao |
KS5 Anna Mitchell and Frankie Butler |
Official opening Friday March 2nd
Arts Society and other visitors Friday
Schools, teachers, families on Saturday March 3rd
Glastonbrooke Unplugged, Tuesday 6th March.
Open to all students from Year 9-13 who will be performing an acoustic song, ‘Glastonbrooke Unplugged’ is always popular and a lovely way to showcase students’ popular music styles (and perhaps even perform their own songs).
To perform in this acoustic event students must sign up on the Glastonbrooke Unplugged sheet in the Music Department.
Parents/Careers and students will be able to buy tickets on the door, priced at £5. Entry to the event will be via the Gatehouse just off the sixth form car park. Please follow the signs to the event which will take place inside Hinchingbrooke House in the Old Dining Room from 7pm.
Mr Howells
Academic Review Day March 16th
Students will demonstrate their understanding of their progress, targets and actions. Taking ownership of their learning is the first step to academic success, so please come along to support your child.
ARD appointments will open this week for parents to book.
Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company. In local cinemas – a break from books and a great way to revise for years 10 and 11 during the Easter holidays - the Royal Shakespeare Company is broadcasting a live performance of ‘the Scottish play’. Starring Christopher Eccleston and Niamh Cussack, this is a fantastic revision opportunity for KS4 students who will be sitting their Literature GCSE exam shortly afterwards.
Book now to be certain of a ticket.
We’re tremendously proud that Robert Burton, who left us last year to take up a place at the highly prestigious Royal Academy of Music, has reached the finals of the Young Musician of the Year. Robert is a saxophonist, but his talents don’t end there. According to Mrs Cooke, Music teacher, “Robert is the most amazing student I’ve ever taught”. He was awarded Grade 8 Distinction for the saxophone, the clarinet, the piano and the recorder – an outstanding achievement! Another Hinchingbrooke student, Zoe Perkins, was in the final two years ago (the competition takes place every two years). The fact that both incredibly talented musicians stayed at Hinchingbrooke to study is testament to our amazing Music department. We look forward to seeing Robert play at the finals in June.
For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a great week and take extra care in the snow.
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal