Week B - Beginning 15th January 2018

Last week, it seemed like it was still Christmas (‘’Oh no it didn’t!’’) with a Pantomime in the PAC. This week, it seems like Christmas was a long time ago. But the good news is that we have many performances to look forward to....
With our own production of ‘School of Rock’ in February, the ‘IndepenDance8’ show in March and an Easter concert later in the term, there is plenty of opportunity to support the performing Arts and enjoy the considerable talents of our students.
This Thursday, 18 January, the Music Department is again hosting ‘Glastonbrooke Unplugged’. This event is open to all students from Year 9-13 who wish to perform acoustic ‘pop’/rock songs in Hinchingbrooke House in the Old Dining Room from 7pm. It is always a popular event and a lovely way to showcase students’ popular music styles. Tickets can be bought on the door, priced at £5. Entry will be via the Gatehouse just off the sixth form car park.
Speaking of talent, forty netball students, from years 7 to 11, are looking forward to watching England vs New Zealand and Australia vs South Africa on Saturday 20 January 2018 at the Copperbox Arena, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. This promises to be an exciting day for all netball fans.
And that’s not all. The Netball Academy is hosting their sixth fantastic Quiz Night on Friday 2 Feb at 7pm in the House Library. Cost of entry is £15 per team of 4-6. If you’d like to join in the fun, send your entrance fee to the Finance department.
For Science fans, there’s an Astronomy Observation Evening on Tuesday 16th and a trip to Leicester on Thursday 18th.
But of course it’s not all play: we have internal exams this week for years 8, 10 and 13.
Year 8 have exams all week, while Year 10 have technical and dress rehearsals for their Drama exams and the second of their RE mock exams on Thursday. Year 13 have Art trial exams on Thursday and Friday.
To help students to improve their exam skills, we have another round of Student Study Skills Events coming up on Tuesday 23rd January, involving years 9, 10 and 11. These events have been well received in the past and support the work being done in school to encourage students to become more independent and more effective learners.
Research has shown that “Actively involving parents in supporting their child’s learning improves progress on average by 2-3 months” (Sutton Trust), so if you are a parent of a year 9 student, please come along to the Year 9 Success Evening – Tuesday 23rd January 2018 (16:45 – 20:00). There will be a range of workshops, recommended study guides, plus an opportunity to find out more about Doddle. You can also speak to the SEN team and the new Head of Year, Mrs Treen.
As you may have heard, we are now part of a newly formed Multi-Academy Trust (with Cromwell Primary Academy) called ACES (Aspiration, Creativity, Excellence, Success). Our Art Department is in the process of designing a logo and Mr Goulding is in discussion about a new website for the Trust (which will be linked to our school websites). Watch this space for more news.
For up to date news and photographs in real time, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.
Have a great week!
Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal