Week B - Beginning 12th June 2017

With the Malaga trip safely home, it will soon be the Sicily trip which departs, and we have the fire brigade and the last but one week of exams to look forward to...
Some big exams this week, after which the GCSEs and A’Levels begin to tail off and the relevant students start to enjoy their well-deserved long summer holiday – so not long to go folks. In the meantime the Masterclasses continue and students are free to use the study rooms provided.
‘There was another very successful trip to the South of Spain with a very loud, but lovely group of 36 students and 4 members of staff who did a sterling job throughout the trip.
The students enjoyed 5 full days of cultural and language immersion in sunny Malaga. They attended lessons in a language school, enjoyed a flamenco show and workshops. We also visited the local attractions like caves, whitewashed villages(Nerja), Malaga city centre and a Mudejar palace. Students also enjoyed a mini exchange with a local school where they participated in some language based activities. There was also time to do sports on the beach, some shopping and try some Spanish tapas (some did, but the rest headed to McDonald’s!). However the highlight of the trip was the chance to go into the sea to do some paddling and jump at the waves….’ Mrs Melchor-Bailey
Now the Malaga trip is back safe and sound, the Year 9 students have lots to look forward to this week. On Tuesday there is a Science trip to Whipsnade Zoo and from Wednesday some lucky geographers are off on the annual trip to Sicily. I have no doubt they will have an amazing time. Year 12 Art students are also out and about later in the week, off to the Big Smoke, no doubt to take in cultural experiences and get their creative juices flowing.
The first week of the reading and spelling testing went well for Years 7-9, and this continues until the end of this week. Hopefully by then all students will have sat the tests and information will be available for their teachers in the tail end of this year and for next year. The Year 10 Drama students are completing their Component 1 practical exam between 19th and 22nd June, so we wish them luck, or should I say ‘break a leg’?
The teachers aren’t being left out either. A much need sugar rush comes in the form of a cupcake day on Wednesday to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. A great cause and who doesn’t want a cupcake?
On a more serious note we have the fire brigade in school on Friday. They will be giving a talk to the Year 7 students about safety around water which is just in time for the summer break.
This week’s theme is centred around reminding the student body about the importance of manners. The vast majority are polite to both the staff and their peers, but it never hurts to remind students of the basics.
With the exam season pushing on and the Year 9s soon to launch into their end of year exams some words of wisdom to help them get through…
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal