Week B - Beginning 24th April 2017

Exams, year group photos, the Junior Maths Challenge and a trip to the National Youth Festival...another busy week beckons...
A great first week back and the weather was lovely too. It’s always a sign of summer coming when the students can go back on the field at break and lunch times, so may the good weather continue.
Also continuing this week are the Year 10 exams. They made a great start last week, so let’s hope that continues. It is essential that students get used to the strict exam conditions and are able to demonstrate their skills at this stage, as the exam results will help their teachers to target areas for improvement in the coming months and indeed year. Exams are also the focus for many Year 11 students. This week the Drama practical exam Monday 24th – Wednesday 26th), the Dance exams (Thursday 4th may) and the GCSE home language speaking GCSEs (on various dates over the next few weeks) take place – so plenty of opportunities to shine!
As the time for the Year 11 and 13 students ebbs away ever faster there will be the whole cohort photos this Wednesday during form time. Undoubtedly this will see the emergence of hairbrushes and other paraphernalia to ensure the best shot!
As stated in a letter home last week, Year 11 will benefit from a programme of Masterclasses in the coming weeks. Starting in May, they will have a specialised programme before they go into each exam to help focus them and ensure they are fighting fit and ready for what lies next. More details will follow, but this is a tried and tested technique which has led to great results for students; helping them to have a positive mental attitude going into different exams and feeling confident they know what to do and how to succeed.
60 students in Year 7 and 60 in Year 8 will be facing a Junior Maths challenge this week, so time to get their mathematical brains warmed up! I am sure they will give it their all and experience success. On Thursday some of Year 11 will take part in the National Theatre Youth Festival in Northampton – so something to really look forward to there too!
The fight for the Golden Antlers continues, with Cromwell being victorious in both Lower and Middle School with wins for 7C1 and Miss Walder and 11C2 with Mr Hoole. Come on Pepys this cannot be allowed to continue (sorry slipped out!). Of course what I mean is, well done Cromwell (not said through gritted teeth at all!). Pictured here are the Lower School winners from before Easter - 7V1.
This week’s theme is a reminder about the importance of getting to lessons on time, especially pertinent for those who have so little time left. Every second of learning is valuable and so it is vital that students make the most of each one. This comes on the heels of last week’s message which was a timely reminder about being in the correct uniform. Students should still be bringing their blazers to school and wearing them around the site.
So with exams about to get into full swing for a number of year groups it is important to remember not to give up. You are always closer to success than you think, and all the effort will have been wasted if you give up now. The hardest part is getting started, once you have the rest will follow.
Have a great week everyone.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal