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Hinchingbrooke School

Week B - Beginning 27th March 2017

The last week of term comes with Art exams, a Year 10 Egg-stravaganza, debating competitions, the Easter Concert and a whole lot more.

Phew we made it to the last week of term – and what a term it’s been!  It was great to see so many students and parents on Wednesday at the second Academic Review day of the year (well over 70%).  The place was bustling with activity and students led their own academic interviews with aplomb.  It was fantastic to hear so many able to discuss where they are doing well and talking about their areas for improvement with laser sharp focus.  I have no doubt that this does make a difference to their progress and helps to boost it further.  This week tutors will be looking at their at home tasks from the day, with a view to awarding House Points, Commendations and the ‘Above and Beyond Awards’.  Equally we will be ensuring that all students have their new targets written in their planner to refer to and keep on their radar as they move onwards and upwards next term.

The last week looks set to be as busy as all the others.  There are Art GCSE exams all week.  Students will be demonstrating their talents in all day sessions (for the most part).  We wish them luck as they strive to achieve their target grades and beyond.  On Tuesday we have our Year 9 and 10 debating teams winging their way to Northampton for the PiXL Debating Competition.  We entered this for the first time last year and won through to the finals, so we will be expecting great things from the teams this year.  On Wednesday there is a Year 10 Easter Egg-stravaganza.  I wonder if that involves Mr Pape hiding eggs around the school and the Year 10s having to use their chocolate radar to find them?  Time will tell, but I have no doubt that it will be a fun experience whatever is involved.  On Thursday it is the school’s Easter Concert.  A time for our musicians to demonstrate their talent.  It is always an evening of revelation, and one which is well worth buying a ticket for, should there be any left.

Year 9s continue to take part in the second half of the ‘Go Active’ testing.  If you remember the majority of the year group were tested earlier in the year in terms of their fitness and stamina by Cambridge University, and at a set time will have follow up testing as part of round two on Thursday.  We end the week with some Music Masterclasses run for Years 9-13.

As the term comes to a close we will be saying goodbye to a few members of staff, perhaps most notably Mr Walker, our Vice Principal.  He is off to Bury St Edmonds to take up a Headship.  We wish him well in his new endeavours, and have no doubt that he will be fantastic in his new position.


                   7C1 - Winner this week                                     8M1 - Overall Winners so far this year


 11V2 - This week's winners and the form who dominates the Middle School Leaderboard

Now to update you on the Golden Antlers Award (as a reminder this is literally a set of antlers which are given to the form who has accrued the highest number of 5s in any one week).  11V2 under the guidance of their form tutor Mr Chester, have white washed the awards this term, with only a few others getting a look in from time to time.  They have done it again this week – so well done to them!  They top the leadership board for Middle School by a country mile.  Having said that they are not unstoppable so come on Years 9-11!  In Lower School it’s still all to play for.  This week it was 7C1 and Miss Andrews who came top of the pile.  Overall though it is 8M1 and Mrs Seekings who are just edging into the lead.  5s are awarded when students go above and beyond in lessons as outlined in the poster.

Over the holidays the school will be open for the Easter Revision School.  This is for Year 11 students who have opted to come along to specific classes to help with their revision.  Each day in the first week there are a number of subjects with both teachers from Hinchingbrooke and externally to help students to revise key topics and skills.  There are over 100 students in each day - which is great credit to all of those who have signed up.  Whether you are in school or revising at home, remember all the information you have had from the tutorial sessions over the last term, the Learning Performance Workshops both this year and last and remember what effective revision looks like, and just as importantly, remember not to give up when the going gets tough; be resilient!


With the Easter holidays (and hopefully a continuation of this lovely spring weather) stretching ahead, may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of the school and to wish you a restful Easter break.

Have a great one!

Anna Nightingale

Vice Principal