Week B - Beginning 6th February 2017

A fantastic production of Sweeney Todd hits the PAC for a 3 day run, trips galore and opportunities for girls...
Well half term is within sight…but lots to do before then. This week is the school’s production of ‘Sweeney Todd – The Demon of Fleet Street’. I have seen some of the rehearsals and it looks like we have another hit on our hands. The performance is on Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th February at 7:30pm in the PAC. It is nearly sold out, but there are a few tickets left so you need to be quick. Click on the link below if you are interested in seeing the show of the year:
There are trips galore this week. The Art Department are out and about again to London this time with Year 13. They will be visiting the Courtauld Institute of Art and the Victoria and Albert Museum. The Geographers are off to the Rive Kym to complete their assessments – I hope Year 13 have their thermals to hand, they might need them on Tuesday. Then the Year 12 and 13 German students are off to Berlin for the week and the skiers depart for Altenmarkt, Austria on Friday. Over half term the Year 13 students are off to St Petersburg and Moscow which I am very excited about…I have my thermals, hat and gloves ready to pack. We are hoping Lenin will be in a fit state to host a visit!
It was great to see so many parents in attendance at the Options Evening last week. This week and throughout February we will be supporting this process with 121 interviews (where students can discuss their pathways) in addition to assemblies in which they will receive more information about the subjects they have not studies in KS3. Exciting times ahead.
A reminder too about the ‘This Girl Can’ Initiative the PE department are running on 8th February in conjunction with Sport England. Approximately 150 girls from Years 7, 8 and 9 will be involved in an activity of their choice during afternoon registration and Period 5. The aim is to inspire girls to participate in more physical activities. This will enable many students to try activities they haven’t done before and hopefully get them fully involved in trying new things and being physically active.
With all that is going on resilience will certainly be of benefit, which links me in neatly to this weeks’ theme. This is the first in a series on resilience and so this shows us why it is so important to be resilient and outlines the characteristics of being resilient. Hopefully our resilience will help us get through the week.
Have a great one!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal