Week B - Beginning 5th December 2016
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...but still a few weeks to go...
The Year 11 Trial exams continue for a few more days, finished off with a day of Science ISAs (coursework), as Christmas careens towards us. There is also a day on Thursday for any students who have missed any exams to catch up before the Christmas break. A reminder that the Trial Exam Results day is Monday 19th December, when all the Year 11 students will receive their results as they will in the summer – to give them a feeling for the experience which lays ahead of them.
Just to hammer the point home, that Christmas is indeed nearly here, Year 7 have their annual Christmas Carol Concert on Friday, so it’ll be Christmas jumpers to the ready and voices all warmed up and ready to go. Good luck to all the forms, but especially the Pepys ones – not that I’m, biased in any way, shape or form of course!
The Business Studies Department are off to Cadbury World on Tuesday with a range of students from Years 9-13 – no doubt to stock up on Christmas treats. Science are also out and about with their Year 12 and 13 students with a trip to A Level Live. Film Studies students in Years 12 and 13 are off to Cambridge Arts Picture house and the Year 12 Musicians are off to King’s College Cambridge for the carol concert. By all accounts the Sixth Form might be quite empty on Tuesday!
Talking of music though we have entered the Hinchingbrooke School song into the ‘Sing for your School’ competition. The idea is to get as many people to listen to our song as possible, and that way we will climb the ‘charts’. At one stage over the weekend we were in second place…so come on, hit on the link below and give our song a listen…as many times as you want!
A reminder also this week that we have our Parents’ Forum on Thursday 8th December over in the Library of Hinchingbrooke House. The topic is feedback on the new Academic Review Day, starting at 7pm. Everyone is welcome – just let us know if you’re coming so we can ensure we have enough tea and biscuits to stave off the winter cold.
Also on Thursday the MFL Department are offering students studying Spanish in Years 7 and 8 the opportunity to participate in an interactive play called ‘Don Quixote’, written by Migual Cervantes. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to listen to and use their Spanish language skills in an interactive way.
A little notice to the fact that next Thursday (15th) is the Year 13 Subject Review Meeting between 16:00 and 18:30. This is compulsory for all students, and parents are invited to come along if they wish. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss progress so far and to highlight areas for improvement in order for students to attain their potential. It is a direct follow up to the Academic Review day, only this time it is with each of the subjects they study.
Linking in beautifully to this is the fact that this week’s theme is the celebration of achievement. No matter what you achieve it should be celebrated; no matter how small a step. After all you may not have yet achieved your goal, but you are nearer to it than you were yesterday, and will be closer still tomorrow.
Have a great week everyone
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal