Week A - Beginning 28th November 2016
Doddle Parent launched to Years 7 and 8, Parents' Forum on 8th December, the Year 11 trail exams continue...
The first Academic Review Day was a great success. Attendance was high in all year groups and much of the feedback was exceptionally positive. The students were the stars of the show, leading the interviews and outlining the targets they wanted in order to improve. It was also great that parents (in many cases) were able to have time with their son/daughter’s form tutor.
Have your say on the Academic Review Day by coming along to the next Parents' Forum on Thursday 8th December. The focus will be on your feedback and giving you our impressions of how the first one went. It will start at 7pm and will be located in Hinchingbrooke House. If you are interested in attending then please let Jackie Moore know at:-
As part of the Academic Review Day we launched ‘Doddle Parent’ for our Year 7 and Year 8 parents. ‘Doddle Parent’ is a new and exciting way of providing information about the progress of your child. Instead of providing a written report once a year, ‘Doddle Parent’ provides live information as assignments, assessments and home-works are completed, direct to your computer, tablet or smartphone. There is no need to download a special app, the system works for any internet browser. You will be able to log in at any time to see what skills they are mastering and which they still need to focus on to make progress.
If you didn’t manage to pick up your log-in details as part of the Academic Review Day (Year 7 and 8 parents only), these will be posted to you this week. Please follow the instructions in the letter to set-up your account and see details about how your child is progressing in all of their subjects.
If you haven’t received a letter by the 1st December, please contact Debbie Warner at:-dw@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk.
Remember, all Year 7 and 8 parents will still receive two progress reports during the year. These reports will continue to be paper based and contain details of the current step/grade for each student in addition to attendance, homework and behaviour data.
This week the Year 11 Trial Exams continue. They made a great start last week in the New Energy Sports Hall. Resilience is the key and moving on to each new exam with a positive attitude that they can do it! The Trial Results Day will be on 19th December – so great results is something to aim for.
This week’s theme is all about being a positive member of the school community, linking to our one school rule, in this case of respecting others. It is such an important quality to be kind to others and make someone’s day better rather than difficult. As the poster states, attitudes are contagious, and we want them to be contagious in the best way possible.
On that note…I leave you with this thought:-
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal