Week B – Beginning 3rd October 2016

Study skills workshops galore, an Open Evening to look forward to, winners of last week's Golden Antlers and important information for Year 11 parents
Gosh what a busy week we’ve just had. It was great to see so many of our new Year 7 parents at the Meet the Tutor event, and even better still that so many accepted our invitation to attend the Learning Performance sessions. There was lots of laughter coming from the workshops and parents and students alike looking as though the memory techniques struck a chord! Year 9 seem to have enjoyed the experience too, after having the choice of which sessions to attend on Thursday. Hopefully all these study skills will enable our students to hit the ground running and really fulfil their academic potential this year. Year 13 have their turn on Tuesday (4th October) and Year 8 have an opportunity to attend two workshops on 18th October with Year 10 on 19th. Additionally we have a company coming in to run a Literacy Catchup Week starting on 10th October for 45 students in Year 7. So lots still to come.
This week looks just as exciting. On Wednesday we have the Year 5 and 6 Open Evening, where we get to show how brilliant Hinchingbrooke School is. Lots of students are taking part as either guides or subject ambassadors. Great to see them talking maturely to parents and to hear them talking so proudly about their school. There are also Open Mornings on Thursday 6th October, Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th, when parents and students can see the school in action and visit some Year 7 lessons.
Year 8s have an internet safety afternoon to look forward to, to ensure they remain safe online. Year 9 have a ‘Go Active’ assembly. Year 12 Geographers are off to Snowdonia on Friday and Y12 Artists are off to Yorkshire.
Next Wednesday (12th October) we have our Year 11 Targeted Success Evening. This is for specific students in Year 11 who are on a certain grade in English and/or Mathematics and have been invited in along with parents. Letters have already gone home (so check bags and ask your son/daughter). Please ensure that the reply slip is returned to Mrs Connor in the Middle School Office ASAP if this applies to you. It will be a great evening full of useful nuggets and practical advice to ensure, that between us, students achieve that of which they are capable.
Great news on the Golden Antlers front with Miss McInroy’s form taking the Lower School prize for last week (7P2) and a joint win for Mr Chester’s form (11V2) and Mrs Metcalf’s form (9M2). Last week early reports went out for Y7-10. These gave information on the number of Lesson Monitor codes being given to individual students in their subjects (subjects not included were the ones where students had not yet received any codes). The next reports for all year groups will be on the Academic Review Day which takes place on 23rd November – a definite date for your diary.
This week’s theme relates to our series on the schools values. It focuses on listening and the importance of this. There is also a reminder about the fabulous work our Restorative Approaches team undertake. Whenever there is conflict there is a way forward, and it always starts with listening.
On that note…
Have a great week.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal