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Hinchingbrooke School

Week B – Beginning 6th June 2016

Missed the parents' forum on Tuesday evening?  The Ofsted feedback presentation is on the Parents' Forum page...take a look! Click on Parents, then Parents''s the top presentation.

Welcome back from a somewhat soggy half term.  It will be great to see Year 10s back after their work experience.  I have no doubt many would have realised that the ‘real world’ holds both opportunities and challenges for them, and this always helps to focus the students on their studies when they return.  As the Year 11s make the most of the Masterclasses, designed to get them fighting fit for each examination as it occurs, the Year 10 will take on the mantel of being the more senior students around the school.  I am sure their dip into the world of work will more than have prepared them for this new responsibility.

A few more weeks of intensive exams lay ahead for those in Years 11-13.  All those involved need to remember what they have been taught (if only is was that easy) and read the questions carefully.  Most mistakes on examination papers are a result of students misreading questions or even not reading them fully, so taking the time to read a question twice, is never wasted time!

We also have a parents’ forum this Tuesday (7th June) at 7pm in the Assembly Rooms of Hinchingbrooke House.  The topic is Ofsted and it is an opportunity to share the good news, processes, key findings and way forward.  If this is something you are hoping to pop along to, please email Jackie Moore ( to ensure we have enough chocolate biscuits.  It is an informal evening with a short presentation at the start, followed by an opportunity to give your opinions on the areas for improvement for the school as a whole – especially the one regarding the views of parents.

On Wednesday evening (8th June) there is a launch event for selected parents and children from our primary feeder schools to find out about the Literacy and Numeracy Programme.  This is where a number of Year 6 students get to take part in 6 whole days at the school this summer to work on their literacy and numeracy skills.  It takes place in the House Library starting at 6pm and will involve a presentation from an outside agency regarding study skills.

Talking of study skills (an almost seamless link there!)…a reminder that there is also an exciting opportunity for your child in terms of developing their study skills.  There have been a number of workshops this year, offered to selected students and we are now able to offer the workshop to all students who would like to attend.  The workshops will run on Tuesday 6th September for our current Year 7 to Year 10 students .  We have 160 spaces offered on a first-come-first-served basis.  If you would like your son/daughter to attend this fantastic opportunity and get a head start in the new term, then please email Julie Knibbs on or call 01480 375700 extension 5819 to book a place. (Please also see the parentmail message send out by Mr Pinder about this workshop).

On Friday 10th June, Mr Winter will be leading a trip to the Imperial War Museum with students in Years 10 and 12.  This will focus around the topic of the Holocaust and how this should be taught in schools.  It is fantastic that our students are involved in such important work.  Also out this week is the History Department with their annual Year 9 fieldtrip to the French and Belgium Battlefields.  Another poignant trip which will undoubtedly last in the students memories for a very long time.  On Friday 3rd we also welcomed our German Exchange partners to England.  They are in school with us on Tuesday and Friday and out in and around Cambridge for the rest of the week.  I sincerely hope the weather is an improvement on last week, and wish them a warm welcome.

At the end of last half term Wylton were leading the way with raising awareness for the Eloise Keeling Asthma Trust.  The whole of Wylton House were out at form time completing a sponsored walk, some of whom were completing it with 3 legs, some were using their ties to ‘good’ effect leading others around the course, and others still decided to run the course.  Of course all were attired in the house colours (see photo above)!  Great fun was had by all whilst raising awareness on this serious issue – so well done to house Wylton and Mrs Nicholls as their intrepid captain.  To see what the PE department have been up to recently, please click on the link below to read their Sports Report.

 This week’s theme is based on celebrating the achievements and progress we have made as a school over the last few years, as recognised in the Ofsted report, and striving to build upon this.  And in that spirit my final thought for this week is...


Have a great week

Anna Nightingale

Vice Principal