Week B – Beginning 2nd May 2016
The long weekend was certainly well timed!
Many thanks to all for the support given during Ofsted last week. The report is being written by the lead inspector and then has to go through Ofsted’s quality assurance processes before it can be released. This process takes about two weeks.
Although it is a shorter week, there is still plenty to look forward to. This week the GCSE exams start in earnest. On Tuesday and Friday over 100 students will be sitting their iGCSE in English (reading then writing). This year for the first time we are running Masterclasses for all subjects in Year 11 before the exams to help focus the students and remind them of the key elements. There are also the MFL Orals this week for both AS and A2 students, along with an AS Chemistry written paper (Tuesday and Friday) and A2 Fine Art exams (Wednesday – Friday). To all the students involved, we wish you the best of luck – give it your best shot!
Some Year 12 students have completed their AS coursework for Film Studies and their work can be seen on the Film Studies portal. Each one is approximately 2 minutes long and shows an impressive level of technical achievement. Mr Lloyd (HoD) draws your attention to the film ‘Panic in ths House’ in particular by Ben Moat, Melissa Lewis, Katrina Cailao and Lewis Coleman for it’s overall excellence and because they managed to cast Mr Wheeley as an estate agent! Click on the link below to have a look.
The Reading Challenge is also back this week. Each student or staff member participating will be given a bookmark with a variety of different book genres to choose from, including:
- book with a colour in the title
- A book "everyone" but you has read
- A book with a cat on the cover
- A book that is first in a series
- A book with a lion, a witch or a wardrobe in it
Lists of suggestions can be collected from the library and it is important to note that not all categories need to be completed. As occurred last time, for every book read Mrs Molyneux, our fantastic librarian, will add a scoop of coloured sand to the relevant house container (come on Pepys!). There will be prizes for the best participating form and individual prizes. I wonder if reading and marking my classes’ exercise books counts? So get reading everyone (especially if you are in Pepys.
This year we have run a number of different study skills sessions for a range of students in Years 7-11. On 6th September 2016 (a training day at the start of next academic year) we are planning to run another whole day. On this occasion the places are open to anyone who would like to attend (and has not done so already). If you would like your child to take part and can get them to school on 6th September, please contact Julie at jck@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk. There are 160 places available and these will be given on a first come first served basis.
And talking of opportunities...
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal