Week A - Week Beginning 11th April 2016
Welcome back after the lovely long Easter break, where hopefully you have all had the opportunity to recharge your batteries
and get the essential revision underway for the up and coming examinations. Talking of examinations some of the practical exams get under way this week both at GCSE and AS/A2. Other events this week include the vaccinations for Year 8 and 9 girls on Wednesday 13th April in Room 125. There are a number of Year 11 students who are having a talk about Oxford University on Thursday 14th April and over 100 students were invited into school to take part in an advanced study skills workshop on Monday 11th.
Just before the Easter break on 21st March a number of students past and present (Eco Warriors) along with the Mayor, other distinguished dignitaries and headteacher, Andrew Goulding, planted 50 native trees around the school site. The saplings were donated by the Earth Restoration Service.
Congratulations goes to Mr Alun Williams on his appointment as History leader, a post he takes on from after Easter. Mr Jonathan Chambers will as a result be taking on the current Year 10 through to the end of Year 11. As an experienced Head of Year, we have no doubt that the students’ needs will be looked after by Mr Chambers and the year team and that the students will fulfil their potential as a result. There are a few changes in the tutoring of the year group too. Mr Williams will become the tutor for 10W2, Mrs Alford for 10C1 and Mr Hancock for 10M2.
Over the Easter break another significant change has occurred regarding site security and visitor management. New access controlled gates were installed at the main entrance. This will allow us to lock down the site between 09:15 and 15:15, giving us control and a record of who is on site. So if you are planning to visit the site there will be electronic sign in for visitors.
Congratulations to Margaret Medwell, our finance assistant. Margaret was swimming for the Sport Relief Swimathon and completed her 60 lengths in 51 minutes and 18 seconds, raising an impressive £180.
The Theme for this week is all about taking pride in wearing the school uniform. Being part of Hinchingbrooke School and being associated with this outside of the school walls occurs when students wear their uniform. It gives an impression of the school to our wider community and hopefully instils a sense of pride in our students that they are part of the Hinchingbrooke family.
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal