Week B – Beginning 21st March 2016

Well four packed days to go until the Easter break.
The IndepenDance event last week was a great hit, with favourable reviews from audiences. The students really gave it their all and put on a fabulous extravaganza of a wide range of dance styles. Over 150 students took part too, which is testament to the amazing work of the Dance Department and the commitment of our talented students.
There are a number of students off to Nottingham on Monday, for a PiXL debating competition. Last minute we were asked to send two teams. I have no doubt they will do both themselves and the school proud!
This week the Year 10 exams continue as do the practical GCSEs for the Year 11 students, including the Speaking and Listening iGCSE for English which 100 students will be completing. With the Easter holidays coming up it is also important that the Y13-11 students use the time wisely to continue revising and to ensure that they build in time to keep fit and healthy too – after all a healthy body and a healthy mind are needed to be successful. Here is a reminder that revision needs to have 3 distinct parts. Just remember that ‘Success is not permanent and failure is not final, so never stop working after success and never stop trying after failure’. Wise words indeed. The end is in sight and we are all working with you towards the days in August when there will be tears of joy as you open those results envelopes!
There are a number of fortunate students who will be working with a director of stage and screen this week as part of the National Theatre Connections Performance. On Wednesday evening is the parents’ forum on homework. Mr Pinder will be giving a short presentation on how Doddle works in terms of the homework assignments, whilst myself and Mr Grey will be asking for your opinions on the Planner used to record homework and a whole lot more. This all kicks off with hot beverages and chocolate biscuits at 7pm in the Assembly Room in Hinchingbrooke House. All parents/carers are welcome – just drop Jackie Moore an email so we can ensure there are enough biscuits to go round (jm@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk).
There is also the Easter Concert to look forward to this Wednesday evening – again starting at 7pm in the PAC. This is always an uplifting experience with talented students keeping us entertained throughout the evening.
BOOK YOUR TICKETS ONLINE HERE: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/FHFIDM
On Thursday there is an Oxbridge Talk to those students hoping to apply in Year 12 and 13 students by Dr Joe Organ and there is a cinema event for those Y7-10 students who have earnt this reward with the number of 5s they have received in lessons over the last term.
To find out what the PE Department have been up to over the last few weeks, please click on the link below, but just as a teaser…http://www.hinchingbrookeschool.net/page/?title=Sports+Reports&pid=471
This week’s theme is all about corridor behaviour, and a reminder to all students that issues are easily resolved. This fits into the general theme of general courtesy towards each other.
Have a fabulous Easter and remember the school is closed on Friday 25th March and it is a Training Day on Monday 11th April.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal