Week A - Beginning 8th February 2016

As we wish our Chinese visitors a sad farewell we thank the students who were partnered with them...
...the departments into which they were welcomed and the staff and students who put on an array of special events for them.
As with each week this one is another one packed full with opportunities. The school production opens its curtains this week with performances on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Loserville is set to be the best one yet, so if you still haven’t got your tickets then you may be in luck if you click on the link below, as there are still a few left for each evening.
Year 12 have their mock exams this week. This is only in the subjects they will sit an AS in this summer (so not all subjects). There is no study leave on this occasion – and students are expected to attend their lessons in between exams. We wish the students luck as they prove to us they are making great progress.
Last week was Numeracy Week and so all the students took part in special Mathletics assemblies. The votes have been counted…correctly one would hope given the theme, and the winners are in:-
Y7 |
Montague |
151/192 |
Y8 |
Wylton |
160/192 |
Y9 |
Pepys |
162/192 |
Y10 |
Cromwell |
159/192 |
Y11 |
Pepys |
267/282 |
The amount raised by the non- uniform is a fabulous £1321.97 and the hotly contested winners of the digit fancy dress will be announced after half term. Apparently there is disagreement amongst the judges and so a decision needs to be made. Well done to all involved, and particularly to Mr Hancock, Head of Numeracy.
There are a number of opportunities outside the classroom this week and over half term. The Art Department are out and about visiting the National Gallery. Students from Years 8-13 are off to Eben in Austria for the Ski Trip and Year 13 students are off to brave the Russian winter (I hope they have their thermals packed and ready). A little closer to home, the Computing Department are taking a selection of Y9-11 students to Disneyland, Paris. Wow, what fantastic trips!
After half term we have a second set of Trail Exams for some of our Year 11 students (22nd – 26th February). This is an opportunity for individuals to amend any mistakes from the December mocks and to help us to know which tier paper they should be entered for (where relevant), as well as helping to build confidence. Regardless of whether Year 11 students are involved in these or not, all Year 11 students should use the half term break (and beyond) to start reviewing their courses. This is a much more effective way of preparing for their summer exams and involves them looking at their notes on a weekly basis (especially any topics they have identified as red on the Personalised Learning Checklists in subjects) and practising past paper questions on these areas. Doddle is a great resource to clarify understanding (has powerpoints on most GCSE topics in nearly all of the subjects) before trying past papers which students can either get from their teachers or directly from the relevant exam board website.
Second Trial Exams:
Date |
Morning Session |
Afternoon Session |
Mon 22 Feb |
German/French (26 students) |
No exam |
Tues 23 Feb |
Maths Paper 1 (All Y11) |
English Literature (All students) |
Wed 24 Feb |
Spanish (10 students) |
Science (15 students) |
Thurs 25 Feb |
English Language (60 students) |
Geography (85 students) |
Fri 26 Feb |
Maths Paper 2 (All Y11) |
History (36 students) |
This week’s theme is all about making most of the opportunities to learn and reminds students that they should always be on task, getting every last drop of learning from each lesson on a daily basis.
Have a great half term everyone, and see you fit and raring to go on Monday 22nd February.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal