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Hinchingbrooke School

Week A - Week Beginning 11th January 2016

Wow, what a first week back.  Lots going on as usual and lots of soggy weather to boot!  

The uniform checks were really successful, proving that the majority of our students are turned out smartly and in the correct items.  There have also been a number of articles in the media regarding the timetabling of this summer's exams. The JCQ have issued the following statement which clarifies the situation: 

"There has been a clear misunderstanding in some parts of the media as to how the GCSE and A level timetable is set and the impact religious events, such as Ramadan, Easter and Passover have on it. It is important to note that the timetable for 2016 was drafted over a year ago, is published, and won’t be changing."

This week looks to be another exciting and busy one.  21 Year 7 students will be involved all week in the Numeracy Workshops.  These are being delivered by an external company for those students who started Hinchingbrooke with a Level 3 in Maths.  This intensive catch up programme means they will be out of lessons all week to try and ensure they make more rapid progress and so they can access more of the curriculum.  The Literacy workshops, run in November, were very successful (with students on average increasing by 1.5 sub-levels) and the majority of students really enjoyed the time they spent with the mentors and PET-Xi team.  I have no doubt they will enjoy the numeracy sessions just as much.

We also have the Cambridge University Maths Conference for students in Years 12 and 13 on Monday 11th and Glastonbrooke unplugged to look forward to on Friday.  50 Year 8 students are also looking forward to this Friday (15th) as they are off on a rewards trip to see Cinderella at the Arts Theatre in Cambridge.  Better still one of their own, Jacob Johnson in 8C2, stars in the pantomime.  They had better all watch out…after all ‘It’s behind you!’

We have Year 12 Consultation Evening this week too, on Wednesday evening in the House.  It would be great to see as many parents as possible to discuss how the students are settling into their new A’Level subjects.

We also have things to look forward to in the next few weeks.  At the end of January we will have a group of 15 Chinese students attending Hinchingbrooke for a fortnight.  This cultural visit will see 14 students join Year 9 and 1 joining Year 12.  The students will be in school until 2.30pm each day along with their two members of staff (who speak fluent English) to experience life in an English school.  Additionally the school production of ‘Loserville’ is just around the corner.  Tickets are now on sale for the performances which take place on 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th of February beginning at 7pm in the PAC.  You can purchase your tickets through ticket source via this link: or by contacting our Finance Department on 01480 420502

You will be send an e-ticket which you need to print and bring on the night.  Please select your ticket carefully as there are concessions for children under 16 and the over-65s (£6 with normal tickets at £10).  So get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

The theme for this week is all about our journey to being recognised as ‘Outstanding’.  In form time this week students will be invited to think about all the changes and improvements in the last few years and about what they still want to improve in their school.  January seems the right time to get the students to reflect on this and it will all dove tail into the work being completed by our Lower and Middle School Committees (part of the newly formulated School Council).  It’s a fantastic opportunity for our school leaders as well as ensuring that students know they have a voice here at Hinchingbrooke.

Have a great week!

Anna Nightingale

Vice Principal