Week B Beginning 7th December 2015

As Christmas zooms towards us ever faster there is a distinct seasonal flavour this week. The Music Department are off to King’s College, Cambridge on Tuesday for a Christmas Carol Concert with Years 12 and 13 and on Friday we have the Year 7 Christmas Carol House Competition. That is swiftly followed by the Year 7 Christmas Disco, at which I am reliably informed there will be some interesting Christmassy staff costumes! That should certainly put us all in the Christmas spirit.
There are also trips out for the Art Department, who are off to Norfolk on Friday and the Drama Department who are taking students from Year 7-9 to the theatre in London on Thursday. In addition 18 students from Years 9-13 are off to Herrenberg, Germany. They leave for the German exchange on Thursday (after lessons 1 and 2) and return on 17th. I hope they all have a fantastic time and make memories which will last a lifetime. As always you can click on the link below to read this week's Sports Report, in which are the Interhouse results as well as Jabe’s first international Boccia cap. There is also an intriguing staff photo competition…click to see more.
The Year 11 Trial exams continue to take place this week. The students have done us proud so far, and teachers are busy marking all the excellent answers they have been producing. We wish them all continuing good luck. This week the Year 12 Art students join them as their mock exams begin.
This Tuesday evening (8th December 7-8pm) there is a special Parents’ Forum to explain the new 9-1 grading system being used for both Year 7 and 8. This is an opportunity for us to explain how this system works and how Doddle fits into this system. If you are intending to attend please contact Jackie Moore (jm@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk) so we can ensure that we have a space big enough to accommodate all. Year 7 parents should have contacted us through the return of their report slips, but if not please email Jackie. The evening will be based in the Assembly Room in Hinchingbrooke House.
Year 9 Parents’ Evening is happening on Thursday evening (10th December). This is an opportunity to see how your son/daughter has settled into their new GCSE courses. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.
I am sad to report that the Staff vs Sixth Form football match resulted in a humiliating loss for the staff. The students, I think their words were ‘smashed’ the staff 4-0, and there was many members of staff to be seen around the building on Friday, limping with their sights clearly set on the floor. It was great to see so many students from other year groups in attendance, and they were certainly vocal in their support. I hope this excitement can be recreated at another time with other sports, but no broken fingers (poor Miss Pamplin).
On a more positive note the Year 7s are doing a sterling job at ensuring they don’t get any 1s as a class. It seems to be paying off as 7M1 were the winners of the Golden Antlers in Lower School with 411 5s over the course of last week. Joining in their glory is 10C2, winning the Golden Antlers for Middle School with 401 5s collected by the form. Come on Pepys where are our wins?
This week’s theme is all about the responsible use of mobile phones in school. Technology is a wonderful thing when used responsibly and really enables students to engage with their learning. Students do, however, need to remember that they are allowed only for learning purposes (but not as a calculator in Maths!). The new Apple watches are a revelation, but we need to ensure that students understand these cannot be taken into exams as disqualification will result.
On that note…