Week A Beginning 16th November 2015

Last week was another busy one, and the students from all year groups were particularly impressive in the Remembrance Assemblies, where they learnt where the Remembrance traditions originated, in addition to understanding that these traditions are for all fallen and injured soldiers including those serving today.
A beautiful rendition of Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again” was performed by 2 of our Sixth Formers (Callum Wotherspoon and Alex Fox), and there was an opportunity for a minutes silence with the Last Post and Reveille played by Tom Langley, Year 12.
In the light of the tragic news over the weekend in Paris, we as a school community will observe a minutes silence on Monday for those who lost their lives in such a tragic fashion.
Another exciting week beckons. The Science Department are out and about on Thursday. 48 Year 8 students are off on a trip to Leicester to the Space Centre. That sounds out of this world! (sorry couldn’t resist). To see what the PE Department have been winning…sorry I mean up to, this week, please click on the link below.
This week also sees the start of the practical Year 11 Trial Examinations (the initials in brackets show which teacher’s groups are involved):
Monday 16th – Pottery (AML), Creative Textiles (AML), Fine Art (ECB), Fine Art (RRC)
Tuesday 17th – Art & Design (KCH), Fine Art (ECB), Fine Art (RRC)
Wednesday 18th – Creative Textiles (RRC), [Art & Design (KCH) and Creative Textiles (AML) – only students sitting MFL exams on Friday
Thursday 19th – Creative Textiles (RRC), Pottery (AML)
Friday 20th – Art & Design (KCH) and Creative Textiles (AML)
MFL (French, German and Spanish) Writing Controlled Assessment
Also continuing this week are the various literacy workshops. 45 Year 7 students will be attending an intensive catch-up programme all week run by PET-Xi Training – an external company who have a fantastic track record. The programme will help students in all curriculum areas. On Wednesday 18th 40 students from Years 10 and 11 will continue with their literacy programme run by Learning Performance. The two hours these students have each week is also designed to improve both their literacy skills and confidence. Students have really enjoyed the sessions so far and talk enthusiastically about the impact it’s already having.
Year 7 will also have a presentation from Streetwise on Monday 16th about road safety. As the winter nights draw in, it’s essential that our students understand the importance of being sensible on the roads to and from school and being visible on their bicycles.