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Hinchingbrooke School

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 At Hinchingbrooke we aim to ensure we are an inclusive school where everyone is treated well, which is why we have a School Diversity Champion – we see this role as an important one in helping us to continuously move forward with this objective. Our Diversity Champion, alongside staff and students who volunteer to be part of the Diversity Committee, work hard to promote a good understanding of, and respect for, the differences between people across our HBK Community. They aim to ensure that all members of the school community actively challenge prejudice and discrimination when they occur and they promote the regular celebration of our diverse community. This includes drop-down days, assemblies and form time activities.

In December 2022 we were awarded the Rainbow Flag Award from the Kite Trust which celebrates that Hinchingbrooke School is an LGBT+ inclusive environment. To achieve this, we had to submit evidence to show we have an Inclusive Curriculum, that we have done work with our Parents, Carers and Governors and that we have trained staff in how to challenge LGBT+ discriminatory language, with the aim of ensuring their classrooms are a safe space for all. 

You can read our Equality Policy here: Hinchingbrooke School