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Hinchingbrooke School

Week A Commencing 29th April 2019

Message of the Week

Welcome to week 30

We know that we have amazing students at Hinchingbrooke.  And we love to celebrate success.  So to have two rising sports stars showing just how talented they are is wonderful: 

Lilly O'Dell, year 10, competed in the U19 World Duathlon championships held in Spain at the weekend.  She came 7th – in the world!  The course consists of a 10 km run, followed by a 40 km cycle and finishes with a 5 km run.  Lily completed the course in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 51 seconds.  Amazing!  Well done, Lilly!  

And Mia Leech, year 11, took part in the 100 metres Butterfly in the British Swimming Junior Championships in Glasgow and also came 7th, less than 1.5 seconds behind the winner.  Well done Mia!

One of our ex-students – Hannah MacLeod – took part in the London Marathon at the weekend and ran an impressive time of 3 hours 43 minutes. 


Hannah is an Olympic Hockey gold medal winner and holder of an MBE. 

She is also a coach for the under 23 hockey team, a motivational speaker and has a Phd, making her Dr Hannah MacLeod.

Hannah is truly inspirational and shows just what our students can achieve.


You can follow Hannah on Twitter @hannahmacleod6


Last week, student assemblies focused on British Values – and the values of HBK; this week, we are continuing to explore these values in lessons and tutor time.

Hot Chocolate Friday is a reward for our students who behave impeccably, but are too easily forgotten, or in recognition of going ‘Over & Above’ in some significant way.


Last week, we celebrated a group of students who have gone over and above in terms of their contributions to the community:


Golden Antler Winners

Each week, the tutor groups with the highest number of 5s (for great attitudes to learning) are awarded a Golden Antler trophy.  Following the award of the trophy, the tutor arranges for a celebratory photograph to be taken.  It is then displayed around school.


Last week, the Lower School Golden Antlers winner was … 

… 7P2.  Well done to the Pepys students for excellent attitudes to learning.

And winner of the Middle School Golden Antlers was …

… 11W2 – Well done to the year 11 students in this Wylton tutor group.

Previous winners:


Travel update:

Monday, April 29th

The path opposite the school is still open.  We will let you know when it will be closed as soon as we have confirmation from the Highways team. 

Dates for your diary

This week:

Monday, 29th April - Year 7 Bike Safety Assembly

Next week:

Monday, 6th May – Bank Holiday

Thursday, 9th May – Parent Forum, 7pm, House

Future events:

Friday, 17th MayYear 13 Leavers’ Assembly and barbeque

Tuesday, 21st May – Year 7 Parents Evening

Friday, 24th May - Year 13 students will officially leave Hinchingbrooke

Year 13 Study arrangements:

Post 16 exams are earlier this year, with some happening before the summer half term, and Art, BTEC and AS exams earlier still. The Exam timetable is on the school website.

Students will be given the half day off timetable prior to any exam before half-term, i.e. the morning off if they have an afternoon exam, and the afternoon before off if they have a morning exam. We will, however, keep teaching lessons up to half term. 

After half term, teachers will be available at the times that Year 13 lessons would have occurred for any students who want support until their exams. Course teams will also put on Revision Workshops, which they will advertise to students. Some courses may wish to continue putting on structured lessons. In these cases, they will inform their students, who must attend.  If they are unable to attend, students should communicate with their teachers in the usual manner.

Saturday, 25th May to Sunday 02nd June – Half Term break

Monday, 3rd June - School resumes

Monday, 3rd June to Friday, 14th June – Year 10 Work Experience

Monday, 3rd June to Friday, 14th June – Year 7 exams

Tuesday, 11th June – Year 9 Parents Evening

Thursday, 13th June – Art Exhibition

Friday 21st June – Y11 Formal

Tuesday, 25th June – Hinchingbrooke’s Got Talent

Wednesday, 26th June – Year 11 Leaver’s Assembly

Thursday, 27th June – Sports Day

Friday, 28th June – Staff Training Day

Tuesday, 2nd to Thursday, 4th – Year 7 Taster Days

Thursday, 4th July – Year 7 Taster Evening

Tuesday, 9th July – Junior Bossendorfer Concert

Friday, 19th July – last day of term

Saturday, 20th July to Sunday, 1st September – Summer break

Monday, 2nd September - Staff Training Day

Tuesday, 3rd September - Year 7 and 12 back to school

Wednesday, 4th September - everyone back to school


For up to date news and photographs about other events this week, follow us on Twitter @HBK_School.

Lorraine Cunningham, Assistant Principal