Pupil Premium
In 2011 the Government introduced Pupil Premium funding for schools in England and Wales. Pupil Premium is additional funding paid to schools to ensure that students from all backgrounds make good progress. Students who attract Pupil Premium funding are closely monitored to ensure that their progress is equivalent to their peers and schools are monitored by OFSTED to ensure that this is the case. A summary of how the Pupil Premium funding is spent is published on the school website each September. At Hinchingbrooke, we have around 300 Pupil Premium students.
Who are the Pupil Premium students?
- Any student who receives free school meals
- Any student who received free school meals in the last 6 years, but no-longer does
- Any student who is looked after, or in care, or has been (even if just for one day)
- Students adopted from care
- Students with a close family member in the armed forces
- Students with a close family member in the armed forces in the last 6 years, but who has now left
For Pupil Premium students, their progress is even more closely monitored by school leaders. They have access to mentoring, buddies and counselling where appropriate and priority access is given to intervention and other support workshops. Access to equipment and resources is available for those who may need it and students will have the opportunity to attend homework clubs. Pupil Premium students also have a dedicated point of contact to discuss any barriers to learning.
It is important to realise that, on a day-to-day basis there is no difference to the lessons attended or the material that is being taught.
We know that every Pupil Premium student is different and that family circumstances can often change. This means that the actions put in place by the school will be different for different students, or the same student at different times in their school life.
As part of our bespoke programme of support to ensure needs are met, we have a Pupil Premium Administrator. Our Pupil Premium Administrator works with students and their families and is this first port of call with any queries. Mrs Bennett is our Pupil Premium Administrator and can be contacted by email sbennett@hbk.acesmat.uk or on 01480 375700 extension 5220.
To find out more about Pupil Premium and how to apply click here
To find out more about Service Pupil Premium click here
Full details of how the Pupil Premium allocation has been spent and the impact of the many interventions are available in the links below:
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2026
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-2023